Tuesday, April 16, 2013


With more than 2 decades experience in both public and 'for-profit & not for-profit' shareholder  startups "hybrid co's" which developed into ZAR multi-Billion organizations.

- See business as an unparalleled vehicle for meeting human needs, improve efficiency, creating jobs etc.

- Never view value creation narrowly in optimizing short term financial performance in a bubble, missing customer needs, ignoring broader influences that determine the co's longer term success.

To keep businesses acting as a business, & not as charitable donors, we used methodologies and technologies to develop analytical tools to measure social impact. These innovative tools have the proven and tested ability to address the historical challenge in an accurate and scientifically sound manner.

The answer to  CSI departments did not rigorously quantify the business value of CSI, resulted in poor capitalization on the benefits it holds. Organizations remained blissfully unaware of the positive local impact of their investments, while at the same time they struggled to financially justify the spending of capital because they did not understand the true benefits of their investments. Furthermore, the lack a measuring prevented organizations from comparing and benchmarking investments to other investments they had made, could not prioritize the most substantial investments and cut out the dead wood.

Only if organizations know whether their investments are effective and how they can improve the impact thereof, will these investments truly yield long term value for companies and sustained social change across the entire range of stakeholders, it's therefore crucial that CEO's break the mould of one dimensional measurement, and explore more hard-hitting means of measuring the return on investment of CSI on business and on beneficiary communities.

"Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement, If you can't 

measure something, you can't understand it, if you can't understand it, you can't control it, if you can't control it, you can't improve it" 
H James Harrington, a well known and respected American performance improvement consultant.

The very same tools can be of great value to NPO's to secure funding.

*What determines who gets the most funding?
The organization that delivers the most outcomes or better, the organisation that delivers the most outcomes per dollar invested. Its wise to Introduce analytical tools to measure whether programs and services are having the impact that the mission statement promises, scientifically.

Measuring service effectiveness and accomplishments using certain performance indicators for eg:
  1. Input measures which quantify the efforts of resources expended in an activity or program.
  2. Output measures which quantify the volume or level of services provided or delivered.
  3. Outcome measures which quantify the actual effect of our organizations efforts have on its  objectives.
  4. Efficiency measures which compare our amount of inputs with output or outcome quantifiers.
"Social impact measurement is a very relevant topic when dealing with huge need and limited funding, making efficiency and effectiveness of response really critical"